Leading with curiosity and listening with empathy, liberates conversations, connections, and collaboration.
​Driven by an innate curiosity, I interviewed men from corporate America to hear their perspectives on gender equity, a topic they influence but don’t talk about at the office. The men had a lot to say.
When I backed up the findings with secondary research, it turned into a book about leveraging diverse viewpoints for an even more inclusive conversation. The result is a path forward where men’s involvement in gender equity dialogue is the norm and not the exception.
The data is clear that men hold the majority of leadership positions in corporations. Working collaboratively, and acknowledging issues that both women and men face, we can innovate for better solutions.
Each chapter ends with key takeaways and questions to spark a conversation.
"Nicholas said a conversation about gender equity without men did not meet the criteria for inclusion."

"Blake said equity is essential and will happen when we acknowledge that men face challenges too."

Promoting equity as a Win-Win:
I am passionate about taking the unconventional view on deeply ingrained gender-role stereotypes and turning curiosity into conversations.
Living the Message:
As a wife and working professional mom of four—two women and two men—I wrote children’s books about at-home dads to normalize their experience in our home.
As a champion for women and men, I also wrote a book about the adventures of a career mom and at-home dad to share a different perspective on work-life balance.